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African Association for Lexicography Constitution

The name of the Association shall be the African Association for Lexicography (AFRILEX), hereafter referred to as the Association.


The promotion and co-ordination of the research, study and teaching of lexicography by means of:

  1. The publication of a journal and other appropriate literature;

  2. The organisation of regular conferences, seminars, workshops and tutorials to provide an opportunity for an exchange of ideas and for mutual stimulus to researchers, learners and practitioners in the field of lexicography.​​


There shall be the following categories of membership:

  1. Personal Membership is open to persons interested in lexicography;

  2. Honorary Membership may be conferred by the Board (see Paragraph E) on persons who have made outstanding contributions to the field;

  3. Corporate Membership may be conferred by the Board on corporations. Membership fees shall be four times that of personal membership. Each corporate membership would include four copies of all AFRILEX publications and all correspondence should be directed to a specific person representing the corporate membership. Four votes shall be allowed per corporate membership, on the condition that the names of these members are submitted in advance whenever voting takes place.

The Board shall determine the fees to be paid by the different categories of members. Due payment of fees shall automatically entitle a member to receive all publications of the Association at a reduced cost where possible.

The Board may suspend the membership of any member for an appropriate cause, e.g. bringing the Association in disrepute, and membership lapses in the case of overdue fees.

Members may exercise their right to vote on any activities of the Association when personally present or by postal ballot where applicable.



  1. The Association will hold meetings as determined by the Executive Committee, but at least one general meeting shall be held every two years.

  2. Audited accounts of the funds of the Association shall be put before the general meeting for the approval of the members present.

  3. The quorum shall consist of twenty members during general or special meetings of the Association.

  4. Special meetings may be called at any time at the request of at least twenty members giving a month's notice of the time, venue and purpose of the meeting.



  1. Control of the Association shall be vested in a Board which consists of eight elected members; all of whom shall be members in good standing with the Association.

  2. The Board shall appoint a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Editor. The President and Vice-President will be appointed from among its own members and the Secretary, Treasurer, and Editor either from among its own members or from outside the Board.

  3. Retiring members shall be eligible for re-election.

  4. The President is eligible for two successive terms of office, but can again become available for election after another term has elapsed.

  5. The Board shall have powers of co-option.

  6. The Board shall be elected by postal vote or at a general meeting of the Association, and members shall hold office for two years.

  7. The quorum for a properly constituted Board meeting shall be 50% of the total number of Board members.

  8. The Board shall have the power to delegate its work to an Executive Committee appointed from among its members.

  9. The responsibilities of the Board shall be:

    1. To see that the aims of the Association are carried out;

    2. To take care of the financial affairs of the Association, including the opening of such Bank accounts as shall be considered necessary, the keeping of proper books of account, the presentation of audited accounts, etc.;

    3. To determine the fees payable by the different categories of members;

    4. To supervise the publishing activities of the Association, and for that purpose to appoint Editorial Staff;

    5. To encourage the formation of branches of the Association;

    6. To arrange and assume responsibility for conferences and/or gatherings of any nature of the Association;

    7. To liaise and co-operate with other academic and professional bodies with related interests;

    8. To appoint any sub-committees which may be necessary for the carrying out of the work of the Association;

    9. To formulate any necessary regulations which will take immediate effect, within the framework of this Constitution. Such regulations shall be submitted to and approved by a general or special meeting of the Association (called specifically for this purpose) for ratification and/or modification.

  10. Any complaint made against a member of the Board shall be investigated by the other members thereof assisted by one or more of the Honorary Members of the Association; if, as a result of such investigation, such other members deem it expedient so to do, they may formulate a recommendation for consideration by a general meeting of the Association or convene a special meeting for the purpose of placing such recommendation before it, and the meeting shall take such action with regard to the complaint as it may consider appropriate.

  11. Honorary membership can be bestowed by the Board upon persons who have made outstanding contributions to lexicography and the Association. Any member of the Association can nominate a person for honorary membership by submitting a detailed motivation to the Board. Honorary members are exempted from the payment of membership fees. Honorary members will be acknowledged where applicable in publications of the Association such as newsletters, conference programmes and proceedings as well as on the website of the Association.


The Board will be responsible for the organisation of conferences in liaison with the Local Organiser of a particular conference. The Local Organiser will be co-opted to the board for a oneyear period preceding the conference and organisational and financial aspects are subject to approval by the Board. Seminars, workshops and training sessions for lexicographers should be done in liaison with representatives / local organisers from different institutions and financial assistance could be requested from the Board. The Association will however not be liable for any of the costs of running such activities. The hosting institution will be entitled to charge an attendance fee to cover the costs.



  1. The Association shall establish a fund to meet the expenses of the Association. Such a fund may also be used for other worthy purposes, as the Board may decide. The Board shall report on such expenditures by means of audited statements to the General Meeting.

  2. The Association is not permitted to distribute any of the profits or gains to any person and is required to utilise its funds solely for investment with the object or objects for which it has been established.


This constitution may be changed by a two-thirds majority of the members present at a general meeting of the Association or a special meeting summoned for this purpose. Full notice of proposed amendments shall be provided by the Secretary of the Association to all members at least one month before the meeting where the proposed amendments will be dealt with.



  1. The Association may be dissolved by a three-quarters majority of the members present at a meeting of the Association especially called to consider dissolution.

  2. On winding up or liquidation of the Association, the net assets will be given or transferred to another organisation with objects similar to those of the Association.

  • Adopted: 14 July 1995 (1st AGM)

  • Amended: 9 July 2002 (7th AGM)

  • Amended 6 July 2011 (16th AGM)


Click here for the previous version of the Association's Constitution

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